Are you in need of financial help? In this article we will show you 4 types of government benefits for low-income people and need money, stay with us to find out!
Many people do not have the financial means to cover basic needs, such as food, housing, health and education. The aim of government aid is to reduce social inequality, providing better living conditions for citizens and promoting social inclusion.
Aid to low-income people can have a positive effect on the economy, as these people tend to spend the money they receive on basic goods and services, which can stimulate trade and increase the demand for jobs.
There are several forms of government assistance for low-income people, such as Family Allowance in Brazil, which provides financial assistance to families in poverty; public housing programs, which offer subsidized housing or social rents; and public health programs, which provide access to health services.
Family Allowance

O Family Allowance, which is the former Auxílio Brasil, is an income transfer program of the Brazilian federal government, created in 2003, whose main objective is to combat poverty and social inequality in the country. The program is aimed at low-income families living in extreme poverty or poverty.
During the Bolsonaro government, the program's name was changed to Auxílio Brasil, but now with the return of the Lula government, it has been changed again to Bolsa Família.
This program seeks to guarantee these families access to basic services such as health, education and social assistance, in addition to promoting social and productive inclusion. To this end, the program grants a monthly financial benefit to registered families, which varies according to the number of members and the family's per capita income.
It is an important public policy for social inclusion in Brazil, and has contributed to improving the quality of life of millions of Brazilians in situations of social vulnerability. In addition, the Bolsa Família program is considered an international reference in the fight against poverty and hunger.
Below we have included the Bolsa Família payment schedule or Bolsa Família calendar:

Social Electricity Tariff
The Social Electricity Tariff program is a Brazilian government initiative that aims to provide discounts on electricity bills for low-income families. It is intended for people who are enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) from the government and who meet the established income criteria.
The discounts granted vary according to the family's monthly electricity consumption and can reach up to 65% of the tariff value. Furthermore, families that qualify for the program also have the right to not have their electricity supply interrupted due to non-payment.
To register for the program, the family must go to the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) closest to their home and register with CadÚnico. The benefit is granted automatically as soon as the family is included in the registry and meets the requirements to participate in the program.
The program is an important measure to guarantee access to electricity for low-income families, contributing to the reduction of social inequality and improving the quality of life of these people.
Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC)
This is a welfare benefit paid by the Brazilian government to elderly people aged 65 or over and people with disabilities who prove they have no means of subsistence. The benefit is intended for people in situations of social vulnerability and who are unable to support themselves or be supported by their family.
The value of BPC is equivalent to a monthly minimum wage, currently set in R$ 1,320.00, and is paid for life, that is, as long as the beneficiary meets the requirements to receive it. In addition, the beneficiary is also entitled to receive a 13th salary, paid at the end of the year.
The BPC aims to guarantee social protection and social inclusion for people in vulnerable situations and contribute to reducing social inequality. The benefit is an important social assistance measure in Brazil, which has contributed to improving the quality of life of millions of elderly people and people with disabilities.
My Home My Life Program
The Program My House My Life (MCMV) is a housing program of the Brazilian federal government, created in 2009, which aims to facilitate access to home ownership for low-income families. It is intended for people with a monthly income of up to R$ 8 thousand, and its main focus is to serve the most vulnerable population.
Minha Casa Minha Vida offers subsidies and facilitated financing conditions for the acquisition of new or used properties, in addition to promoting the construction of new housing units. It also has partnerships with states, municipalities, companies in the construction sector and financial institutions.
It is divided into four income brackets, which determine the amount of the subsidy and the percentage of financing granted. Families in the lower income brackets are entitled to larger subsidies and lower interest rates, which makes financing more accessible.
This Minha Casa Minha Vida program has contributed to reducing the housing deficit in the country and improving the living conditions of millions of low-income Brazilians. In addition, it has created jobs and boosted the country's economy through the construction and sale of real estate.