Access to decent housing is a fundamental right and one of the pillars for promoting the well-being and quality of life of families.
However, many people face difficulties in meeting the costs associated with renting properties, especially in situations of social and economic vulnerability.
Aiming at this situation, rental assistance appears as an important government benefit, designed to support families at risk and guarantee access to adequate housing.
What is rental assistance and its objectives

Rental assistance is a temporary financial benefit offered by the government to families in situations of social and economic vulnerability, with the aim of guaranteeing access to decent housing.
This benefit is aimed at those who face difficulties in covering the costs of renting properties and who need support to guarantee their right to housing.
We can say that rental assistance is made up of two programs: Housing Assistance and Social Rent. Social Rent is a government benefit that pays a monthly amount to those who have lost the place where they lived.
It is regulated by Law No. 8,742/93, which states that the benefit can be paid until the family finds a new place to live or be included in other programs such as Minha Casa Minha Vida.
Auxílio Moradia is a municipal program, very popular in the city of São Paulo, which was aimed at low-income families who were victims of landslides and were unable to go anywhere else.
Not all cities provide this assistance, but the city of São Paulo is one of those that encourages it, including for women who have been or are victims of domestic violence and are unable to move house.
Eligibility criteria and profile of beneficiaries
The benefit is mainly aimed at families in vulnerable situations social and economic situation that face difficulties in paying for the rent of adequate housing.
Eligibility criteria may vary according to local legislation and the specifics of each program.
To participate in the program you must participate in Auxílio Brasil, be registered with CadÚnico, participate in the Electricity Social Tariff program, and have experienced a risk situation or public calamity such as landslide or disaster.
As we said above, each municipality has its rules for releasing resources, and the amount depends on each case and also on the city hall. In any case, look for more information at CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) or at your city office.
In the city of São Paulo the value has already reached R$ 400.00 per month or a quarter of the minimum wage, for 12 months, with the right to an extension for the same period, both for those who have experienced a disaster and for those who have been victims of domestic violence.
Application process and required documentation
To enroll in these programs, you must I need to bring a copy of the documents identification, such as ID, CPF, documents of dependents and proof of income. If any other proof is required, the assistant will inform you.
Once you have registered, it will also assess whether you have what it takes to participate in the program. Remembering that the benefit is intended for families who do not own their own property and, therefore, depend on rent to guarantee their housing.
The candidates must fill out the registration form provided by the agency responsible for the rental assistance program, providing detailed information about your family, financial and housing situation.
It is important to note that the process and documentation requirements may vary depending on local law and the specific rental assistance program. Therefore, it is essential to check detailed information about the program in your region before starting the application.
The impact of rental assistance on reducing housing inequalities
Rental assistance allows families in vulnerable situations to rent properties in appropriate conditions, contributing to improving their quality of life and well-being. This includes access to housing with basic infrastructure such as sanitation, drinking water and electricity.
The benefit provides temporary financial stability, allowing families at risk to keep a roof over their heads. This is especially relevant in cases of natural disasters, when families are forced to leave their homes and need immediate support to find a safe place to live.
By guaranteeing access to decent and stable housing, rental assistance contributes to reducing poverty and socioeconomic inequalities. Families in vulnerable situations have more opportunities to focus on other areas of their lives, such as education and employment, thus seeking to improve their financial situation.
It can also have positive impacts on the real estate market, encouraging the supply of rental properties and, in some cases, boosting the construction of new homes.
In any case, it is essential that governments also invest in popular housing programs, land regularization, urbanization of informal settlements, among other initiatives that address the structural causes of housing inequalities and promote the right to decent housing for all.