StartBenefitsTruck Driver Assistance – Find out everything about this Government Benefit

Truck Driver Assistance – Find out everything about this Government Benefit


Anyone who is a truck driver knows how much Truck Driver Assistance helped in 2022. But will this benefit will continue in 2023? Find out everything about this subject in this article.

Professional drivers who drive throughout Brazil need to know that they are entitled to government assistance, starting in the second half of 2022, called the Emergency Benefit for Independent Cargo Transporters (Bem Caminhoneiro). This benefit was created for truck drivers in the country. 

As a way to compensate for the increase in the price of fuel, oil and other derivatives, more than 190 thousand truck drivers received this benefit in August 2022, and we can say that it is a type of emergency aid from the government aimed at truck drivers.

It was established by Constitutional Amendment 123 of July 14, 2022, and provides that truck drivers must receive this amount by the end of 2022, in 6 installments of one thousand reais, with the first and second being paid together in August of the same year and the last installment being paid in December. 

Who has or has been entitled to truck driver assistance?

Source: google images.

Anyone who has or had the right is any independent freight transporter, who is duly registered with the RNTRC (National Registry of Road Freight Transporters) until May 31, 2022, and with an active and valid registration, to be able to receive the Truck Driver's Aid. 

The National Driver's License must also be in order, and the CPF cannot be null, canceled or suspended for any reason. Anyone with any pending issues in these documents must regularize them as soon as possible to receive the benefit installments. 

And can MEIs receive the benefit? Nowadays, many truck drivers are MEIs and the good news is that yes, they can also receive the benefit but they must meet the same requirements mentioned above, that is, they must have a regular and active CPF and CNH, as well as registration with the RNTRC. 

Government aid, whether it be Auxílio Brasil, Auxílio Gás, Auxílio Estudatil and others provided, are essential to help Brazilians supplement their income, so whenever you meet the conditions for government benefits, it is ideal to join the program to take advantage!

What does the truck driver need to do to receive assistance?

If everything is in order, ANTT (National Land Transportation Agency) will send a list to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security to identify the professionals who should receive the benefit. When the time comes to receive the benefit, just download the Caixa Tem app. 

It is through this application that the truck driver will have access to the money, which will be deposited by Caixa Econômica Federal. This application is available through the Play Store or App Store and after downloading, just register with your CPF and create a password. 

You will also need to provide other personal information, such as your name, phone number, date of birth and email address. A code will be sent to your cell phone via SMS with a number that you will need to provide to complete your registration. After completing your registration, simply click on “Statement” and check whether the aid has been deposited.

If the aid is deposited, there will be a portion described as “BEN TAC” that will be available for transfer or withdrawal. If you want to withdraw, you will be given instructions to proceed with the withdrawal through an ATM, or if you want to transfer the amount to another account, just provide the details. 

It is important to know that for transfers, there is a maximum value of R$ 600.00, so you will probably have to do it in two operations, and it should only be received on the next business day. 

Will we have Truck Driver Assistance in 2023? Find out the answer to this question here!

With the turn of the year, there is much speculation about the Truck Driver Assistance, whether it will continue to be paid or not, as the six installments that were paid in 2022 helped a lot with the driver's costs. It is important to remember that this benefit was part of the list that was provided for by the Kamikaze PEC.

But according to the government, there is no forecast for the return or for a new benefit for truck drivers, so it is unlikely that the transfers will be made this year. Furthermore, according to the budget sent by the Ministry of Economy, only benefits such as Brazil Aid and the Gas Aid

Even if it were present, payments would be made in lower amounts, and there would be a need for the 2023 budget to be changed, so that at some point, a Provisional Measure, PEC or law is approved with guidelines for the program. 

More than R$5.4 billion were made available for Truck Driver Aid in 2022 and deposits were made for each beneficiary, regardless of the number of vehicles they may have, and more than 190 thousand people benefited from this aid. 

For now, the only news is that Bolsa Família will return with more benefits, and the gas voucher will be maintained for 5 years. So far, the new government has not announced any intention of continuing with the Truck Driver Aid or any other type of benefit for drivers. 

In any case, it is important for anyone who had to regularize their records to keep them, as you never know when another program might come back to help drivers face the country's economic crisis. 


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