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Government student aid


Are you a student with a low family income? Are you in need of a extra money to stay focused on studies and supplement your income, I invite you to get to know the government aid for students low-income family.

There are several reasons why students may need government assistance, not least because many of them do not have access to quality education. Either way, the government can provide grants, scholarships and loans to help cover the costs of education. 

Some students struggle their entire lives to afford basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. Therefore, by providing government assistance or other resources to help students cover these costs, they may find themselves focusing more on their studies. 

We cannot deny that we live in a socioeconomic inequality, where low-income students or those from disadvantaged families have fewer opportunities for education. The government can help level the playing field by providing additional resources for these students.

Investing in education is the best way to combat inequality

Photo: Pixabay

Students who receive government assistance for their education may have more opportunities and jobs in the future and still help boost the economy. After all, education is important not only for individuals, but for society as a whole. 

Investing in students' education leads to a greater number of qualified professionals in the most diverse areas. But the issue here is having access to quality education, so that people can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to seek stable jobs. 

The lack of this access perpetuates inequality, a vicious cycle, where poor people do not have access to opportunities needed to improve their situation, while rich people have more resources and opportunities. 

However, when we talk about inequality, it is a fact that education alone may not be enough to solve all inequality problems. Other policies, social security programs and measures to promote equal access to employment are also necessary. 

How the Permanence Grant Program works

Thinking about all this, the federal government created the Permanence Grant Program. This program consists of granting financial aid to students, especially indigenous students, quilombolas and people in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. 

You must be enrolled in federal higher education institutions to receive this aid to continue your studies with dignity. Created in 2013, the program is managed by Secretary of Higher Education (SESu) of the Ministry of Education. 

The person receives a fixed amount, which is intended to cover expenses for food, housing, transportation and teaching materials. The amount currently paid is R$ 900.00 for quilombola and indigenous students and R$ 400.00 for the others and payment is made by card. 

What do I need to do to be eligible for the program?

The student must be enrolled in a face-to-face course at a federal higher education institution, and the workload must be at least 6 hours. In addition, the student must prove per capita family income of up to 1.5 minimum wages and not have another higher education degree. 

The selection is made by educational institutions based on criteria defined by SESu and they have the autonomy to define additional criteria if necessary, according to the peculiarities of each region or situation.

It is important to know that to continue receiving the scholarship, the student must meet the program requirements, such as remaining enrolled, not having an employment relationship and not receiving another scholarship of a similar value.

In any case, we can say that the Bolsa Permanência is an important tool to guarantee access and also the continuity of low-income students in colleges, and ends up contributing to the democratization of access to higher education in the country. 

The Permanence Grant and PROUNI

PROUNI Students who need government financial assistance can also apply for the PROUNI Permanence Grant program and also receive monthly assistance deposited into your account. To do this, you must meet the minimum requirements. 

The rules are as follows: only students with a 100% scholarship can participate, You must be enrolled in a course lasting at least 6 semesters and with 6-hour classes and have an attendance rate of at least 80% in classes. 

All of this was created to filter those who really need help and thus select the best candidates, regardless of their ENEM score or chosen course, which are criteria that select PROUNI candidates. 

Attention is also needed because the benefit may be cancelled if the PROUNI contract is terminated, if the scholarship is transferred to another course that does not meet the rules or if the student uses the aid payment for purposes other than education. 

If the documentation is irregular for any reason, the benefit may also be suspended, and the program may also be canceled if requested by the student. In any case, it is a great federal government program and certainly helps many students to have a better life.


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