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Government benefit to reduce electricity tariffs – Social Electricity Tariff


The Social Electricity Tariff is an important government benefit that aims to assist low-income families in Brazil, providing discounts on your electricity bill and making access to electricity more affordable and equitable. 

In this article, we will explore the details of this program, how it works, who can benefit from it, and how to apply. 

Understanding TSEE is essential for families who meet the established criteria and wish to reduce your monthly expenses with electricity, thus improving their quality of life and guaranteeing an essential basic service.

What is the Social Electricity Tariff?

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A Social Tariff for Electric Energy (TSEE) It is a government benefit created in Brazil with the aim of providing discounts on electricity bills for low-income families. 

This program seeks to guarantee access to electricity in a more affordable and fair way, reducing the financial impact of electricity expenses on the family budget of these groups.

TSEE was established by Law No. 10,438/2002 and regulated by Decree No. 4,873/2003 and by Normative Resolution No. 414/2010 of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). 

The discounts granted vary according to monthly energy consumption and are applied directly to the invoice.

The benefit is available to the homes of those who has an income equal to or less than half the minimum wage national or for those enrolled in some government social program. 

Some specific situations, such as families with members suffering from illnesses or disabilities who depend on electrical equipment for treatment, may also be entitled to the benefit.

TSEE Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the Social Electricity Tariff are established to ensure that the benefit is intended for families that really need financial assistance to cover their electricity bills.

First, the benefit is intended for residential customers only, that is, those who use electricity in their homes. The family must have a monthly per capita family income equal to or less than half the national minimum wage. 

This income is calculated as follows: the total family income is divided by the number of members. It is important to note that the family must be registered with the CadÚnico and the information must be up to date. 

Families benefiting from federal government social programs, such as the Bolsa Família Program, may also be eligible for TSEE.

In some specific situations, families with members who have illnesses or disabilities that require electrical devices for treatment may be eligible for the benefit, as long as the family income is up to three minimum wages. 

In these cases, it is necessary submit documentation supporting evidence, such as a medical report and proof of income.

It is important to note that, even if the eligibility criteria are met, the consumer must apply for the benefit with the electricity distributor in their region and present the necessary documents. The TSEE is not granted automatically.

How to apply 

To apply for TSEE, you first need to verify that you meet the eligibility criteria mentioned above, such as monthly per capita household income, enrollment CadÚnico and other specific requirements.

Once you have confirmed that you meet the criteria, you will need to contact your local electricity distributor. You can do this by phone, online, or through distributor application (if available) or by going in person to one service agency. 

Inform that you wish to request inclusion in the Social Tariff and check which documents are required to prove your eligibility.

In general, you will need to present documents such as CPF, RG, proof of residence, Social Identification Number (NIS) and, in specific cases, a medical report or proof of benefit from some government social program. 

Depending on the distributor, other documents may be requested. Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, the electricity distributor will analyze your request. 

If approved, the Social Tariff will be applied to your energy bill electricity, and you will start to enjoy the discounts.

The importance of TSEE for low-income families 

By offering significant discounts on electricity bills for families in situations of social vulnerability, TSEE reduces the financial burden of these families and allows the saved resources to be directed towards other basic needs, such as food, health and education.

TSEE also promotes social inclusion and improves the quality of life of beneficiary families. access to electricity It is essential to guarantee a dignified life, since it is directly related to several aspects of daily life, such as comfort, safety, communication and access to information. 

Electricity makes it possible to use household appliances that facilitate daily activities and access technologies that allow communication with other people and the search for employment and education opportunities.

Finally, TSEE contributes to the reduction of social inequalities and promotes a development more inclusive and sustainable. By ensuring that low-income families have access to more affordable electricity, the government promotes equity and helps combat poverty. 

Thus, the Social Electricity Tariff is an important tool for improving living conditions of families in vulnerable situations and contribute to a more just and equal future.


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