StartBolsonaroActions against Bolsonaro's ticket have request for archiving at the TSE

Actions against Bolsonaro's ticket have request for archiving at the TSE


The deputy attorney general for elections, Humberto Jacques, requested the filing of two lawsuits filed against the winning ticket in the 2018 elections, formed by Jair Bolsonaro and Hamilton Mourão, to the TSE.

The lawsuits in question were filed by the then candidates Guilherme Boulos (PSL) and Marina Silva (REDE), alleging that Bolsonaro's ticket committed abuse of economic power by sharing a printout of a group supposedly called 'Women with Bolsonaro'. According to Boulos and Marina, the group was originally called 'Women against Bolsonaro' but suffered a hacker attack and had its information altered.

According to the prosecutors, they did not present evidence that Bolsonaro's ticket committed abuse of economic power and did not show how the president's actions compromised the fairness of the electoral process.

According to Jacques:

“Reprehensibility is not the same as seriousness. Committing a crime is not the same as abuse of power.”

The case reporter, Og Fernandes, followed the same line of thought as the deputy attorney general for the archiving. Thus, Edson Fachin made a request for review and suspended the trial.


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