StartBolsonaro"Unconditional support for Mr. Paulo Guedes", says Bolsonaro

“Unconditional support for Mr. Paulo Guedes,” says Bolsonaro


Photo: EFE | Joédson Alves

Once again, President Jair Bolsonaro takes a stand and reaffirms his complete confidence in Paulo Guedes' work as Minister of Economy.

During a meeting with businesspeople at the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp), this Monday (03), Bolsonaro gave a speech, made his opinion clear and showed that he was satisfied with Guedes' request:

“In the economy, Brazil is not doing well, Brazil has already done well. Now we are going to take advantage of the success, obviously, and seek to go deeper into the reforms so that, increasingly, you [businessmen] will see yourselves free from the burden of the State.”

The president also said that he always tells the minister that the reform with the greatest chance of being approved by parliament is the ideal reform:

“I am the president. I am the coach of the team and the ones who have to take the field are the 22 ministers. And in the economic area, I give unconditional support to Mr. Paulo Guedes.”

Bolsonaro concluded by saying:

“We have discussed the issue of economic reforms with him and I obviously tell him that, after 28 years in the Chamber and not having approved anything on this subject, I tell him that the best reform is the one that will be approved. There is no point in having a dream.”

What do you think of Paulo Guedes' management?


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