President Jair Bolsonaro delivered 4,100 affordable housing units to low-income families in Campina Grande, Paraíba. In his speech, he stated that Brazil is regaining its confidence in the world and, after praising the fact that his last international trip was “a success”, he declared that many people have said that they will invest in Brazil again and that a large part of these resources will be allocated to the Northeast region.
“The Northeast is an important part of Brazil. We can’t talk about the future without talking about you,” said Bolsonaro, at the inauguration of a housing complex under the Minha Casa Minha Vida program.
The president praised the fact that he was victorious in the first and second rounds of the elections in Campina Grande, one of the state's main cities. In general, however, he suffered defeats in the Northeast region.
He also thanked the authorities who helped to complete the new housing complex, and said that, in politics, “no one does anything alone”.
“To govern this country, we need to have good politicians on our side and, thank God, the political situation in Brazil has improved, and a lot. We have approved a lot of things in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, with conviction and understanding. This really makes for good politics for our Brazil,” he said alongside the Minister of Regional Development, Gustavo Canuto, local authorities and members of parliament.