StartBolsonaroAs soon as the anti-corruption operations began, the STF used the PF...

As soon as the anti-corruption operations began, the STF used the PF to attack Bolsonaro supporters


Photo: Internet

The Supreme Court ministers, as always, put on a show of hurting the economy and the hearts of the population. As expected, as soon as the anti-corruption operations began, the black capes were cornered and they retaliated the attack, wanting to silence those who are in favor of the people and against corruption. 
The STF fails to aggregate the values of society and shows that, in fact, they are the ones who call the shots, whether following the constitution or not.

After the PF's anti-corruption operations, the STF comes up with this?
It is clear that it is a means of response to show that they are the powerful ones and do not let anyone govern without consulting them.
Before anyone says anything, this is not a hate cabinet, this is a cabinet of love for Brazil.

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