Wilson Witzel's allies told Bela Megale, a reporter for Época and O Globo, that the governor of Rio de Janeiro has been repeating for about a month that Jair Bolsonaro is out of the running in 2022. Flávio Bolsonaro, the president's son, worked intensively on Witzel's campaign, but as soon as Witzel took over, he distanced himself from the Bolsonaro family.
Congresswoman Joice Hasselmann has also been working hard with the President of the PSL to run for President in 2022. She was offering advantages to deputies in exchange for support. And also obstructing important agendas of the Federal Government.
Governor João Doria is investing in his image to also run for President in 2022. He has already invited Bebiano, a staunch enemy of Bolsonaro, to join his party. Bebiano makes a living from press notes attacking President Bolsonaro.
Let's see from now on, who else, former close to Bolsonaro, will enter this list.