StartBrazilOne step away from Lulinha being arrested MPF blocks the Federal Police and...

One step away from Lulinha being arrested, the MPF blocks the Federal Police and the internet goes crazy supporting the PF


The Federal Police wanted Lulinha arrested. As well as Kalil Bittar and Jonas Suassuna. The Federal Public Ministry blocked …

The Federal Public Ministry blocked the request, just as happened with Dilma Rousseff months ago.

Lula's son who most quickly absorbed the evils that befall his father and awakened an immeasurable desire to earn money illicitly. Likewise, the arrests of Lula's associates, Jonas Suassuna and Kalil Bittar, were also requested.

The 200 federal police officers who have been on the streets since early morning are following the trail of Lulinha, the millionaire son of Lula's ex-convict and who commanded Gamecorp.

The web is full of support for the PF for the arrest of Lulinha, son of the convicted Lula. 

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