StartPolicyTHE HOUSE HAS FALLEN: lawyers ask the OAB to impeach Toffoli for abuse...

THE HOUSE HAS FALLEN: lawyers ask the OAB to impeach Toffoli for abuse of authority


The National Institute of Advocacy (Inad) — represented by lawyers Rodrigo Salgado Martins and Pierre Lourenço — submitted a letter to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), denouncing “arbitrary and possibly criminal conduct” by Dias Toffoli in the case of the request for access to confidential reports from Coaf and the Federal Revenue Service.

The lawyers want the Federal Council of the OAB to “deliberate on filing a lawsuit in defense of society, aiming at the immediate destruction of the data obtained by the STF” and propose impeachment proceedings against the president of the Supreme Court in the Federal Senate.

The Federal Council is meeting this afternoon in Brasília. It is up to the president, Felipe Santa Cruz, to set the agenda for the meeting.

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