The note released this Monday (13/07) by the Minister of Defense, Fernando Azevedo e Silva, and the heads of the Three Forces — Navy, Army and Air Force — confronting Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), was approved by President Jair Bolsonaro. He agreed that the military should go after Mendes.
On Saturday night (11/07), Azevedo e Silva was ready to give a response to the Supreme Court minister, after he declared that the Army was associating itself with the genocide. The Health Ministry is currently headed by a three-star general, Eduardo Pazuello.
Gilmar's apology did not come
Gilmar even tried to apologize for using the term “genocide.” In a message on social media, he said he respected the Armed Forces, but soon after, he attacked the Ministry of Health again, criticizing the militarization of the department, without apologizing for his previous statement.
On Sunday (12/07), more forceful action against Gilmar began to be defined. Instead of just the Defense Minister signing a note of repudiation, the commanders of the Three Forces endorsed the position, with the aim of emphasizing that the repudiation is general.
The determination of the minister and the heads of the Three Forces is to take the case forward and pressure the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to insist on filing a complaint against Gilmar. The military wants a public retraction from the STF minister.