StartPolicyINJUSTICE: Moraes releases Sara Winter, but the activist loses her right to...

INJUSTICE: Moraes releases Sara Winter, but the activist loses her right to come and go


Photo: Internet
Supreme Federal Court (STF) Minister Alexandre de Moraes ordered the release of activist Sara Fernanda Geromini, known as Sara Winter.

However, the minister decided that she will have to wear an electronic ankle bracelet without her constitutional right to come and go. 

Harassing someone in a public place or in a place accessible to the public is considered an affront to the federal constitution.

The principle, the right to movement, is guaranteed in art. 5, XV, which states: “movement within the national territory is free in times of peace, and any person may, in accordance with the law, enter, remain or leave it with their property”.

There are no crimes committed by Sara Winter, the problem is because she supports President Bolsonaro?

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