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WHO IS BEHIND IT? Judge approves plea bargain of accused of hacking Moro and Deltan


Vallisney de Souza Oliveira, judge of the 10th Federal Court in Brasília, approved the plea bargain agreement of Luiz Henrique Molição.

One of those arrested in Operation Spoofing, Molição is accused of being part of Walter Delgatti Neto's hacker group, Vermelho, which hacked public authorities' Telegram accounts – including Sergio Moro, Deltan Dallagnol and other Lava Jato prosecutors.

Molição allegedly stored part of the stolen messages and made contact with Glenn Greenwald, who released the illegally obtained material.

With this denunciation, the Hacker can reveal whether he was paid to hack Moro and Deltan, and we can also find out who is behind this!

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