StartPolicyWithout taking money from the people, Globo could lose the right...

Without taking money from the people, Globo may lose the right to broadcast the 2022 World Cup due to lack of funds


Photo: Internet
It is no news that Globo has always been supported by money from billion-dollar advertising bids from the federal government. But with Bolsonaro at the head of the government, things are very different. Globo no longer has the public money to maintain itself.

For decades, the Rio de Janeiro broadcaster was the biggest beneficiary of the government's billion-dollar distribution. In 2017, for example, it received 48.5% of the funds.

Globo, in addition to not having the money to pay for the rights to broadcast the World Cup, is also drowning in taxes that already exceed the trifle of R$358 million.

The broadcaster is the leader in requests for closure by the Brazilian people, if you go to social media now you will see the huge amount of tags; #GloboLixo #ForaGlobo and etc.

Unable to close to show Flamengo's games, imagine the famous World Cup. Without public money the broadcaster really sank.

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