StartPolicyURGENT: Governor of the Federal District tries to expel protesters from the square of the three...

URGENT: Governor of the Federal District tries to expel protesters from the square of the three powers


Photo: Internet
The governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), has once again spoken out about protests in the federal capital. Ibaneis recently ordered the blocking of traffic on the Esplanada to prevent new protests. Some protests are said to have been planned by movements supporting President Jair Bolsonaro.

Regarding the decree, the governor told Estadão that he will not allow “disorder in the city”. “I am doing this to keep everyone safe, both the authorities and the population.”

“I have about 200 pens and two more drawers of ink. So, whatever needs to be done here, will be done.”

When commenting on protests, Ibaneis believes that Bolsonaro does not encourage acts of violence either. “Whenever the president spoke about those acts that were considered unconstitutional, and I consider them to be the same, he always referred to them as infiltrators.”

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