StartWithout categoryTHE HOUSE HAS FALLEN: DEM may cancel Maia's mandate and expel him to...

THE HOUSE HAS FALLEN: DEM may cancel Maia's mandate and expel him from the Chamber


With the constant threats from the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, to leave the DEM and join another party, the party's option of requesting the cancellation of Maia's mandate and occupying his seat comes to light.

As the law states, a politician may lose his mandate if he carries out his threat to join another party, unless the party gives up his mandate.

Unfortunately for Maia, the DEM does not seem to be going to let these threats go unheeded. Relations between them are strained.

TSE Resolution 22.610/2007 ensures that disaffiliation without just cause frees the party to request the declaration of loss of the elective mandate.

Therefore, if Rodrigo Maia confirms his departure from the DEM, the party may ask for the parliamentarian's seat for the party's first alternate to take over.

Maia's threats about leaving the DEM have been going on since the defeat of his own candidate for the Chamber of Deputies, where, according to him, the party committed "betrayal". This is where the friction began.

Maia relies on the idea of betrayal to try to classify his departure as the result of “personal discrimination”, one of the just causes for disaffiliation.

So, do you think Maia will lose his mandate and be kicked out of the Chamber? Comment!

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