StartWithout categoryTHE HOUSE FELL: Palocci reports bribery to Gleisi Hoffmann and Fátima Bezerra

THE HOUSE FELL: Palocci reports bribery to Gleisi Hoffmann and Fátima Bezerra


Palocci admits to having been responsible for the distribution of illicit amounts paid by Camargo Corrêa.

Former minister Antonio Palocci mentioned congresswoman Gleisi Hoffmann, president of the Workers' Party (PT), and Fátima Bezerra, governor of Rio Grande do Norte, in the plea bargain agreement he signed with the Federal Police (PF). 

In the document, to which the Crusoe magazine had access, the PF says that Palocci admits to having been responsible for the distribution of illicit amounts paid by the construction company Camargo Corrêa to the PT.

These resources, according to former minister Palocci, would have been directed to several party candidates, including Gleisi and Fátima.

In his plea bargain, Palocci states that Gleisi and Fátima “were fully aware of the illicit origin of the donations made by Camargo Corrêa”, according to journalist Igor Gadelha, from Crusoé.

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