StartWithout categoryTHE HOUSE FELL: PF discovers millionaire scheme of bribes paid to Renan...

THE HOUSE HAS FALLEN: PF discovers millionaire scheme of bribes paid to Renan Calheiros


The Federal Police are investigating businessman Alexandre Santoro, CEO of the International Meal Company, on suspicion of participating in a scheme to pay bribes to Senator Renan Calheiros.

According to the investigation, when Santoro was CEO of América Latina Logística, in 2013, he participated in a meeting with Milton Lyra, identified as Renan's operator, and businessman Richard Klien, the target of the investigation for making alleged payments to the senator.

“Bank secrecy breach reports reveal that, a few days after the meeting, América Latina Logística made payments of 773 thousand reais to the company of a whistleblower who admitted to having been responsible for laundering money from bribes paid to politicians linked to the port sector.”

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