The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), stated that he will forward the proposal for administrative reform to the House's Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) this Tuesday (9). In a post on Twitter, the newly sworn-in Speaker of the Chamber pointed out that sending the proposal will be the “first step towards discussing this matter”.
The new Speaker of the House also reinforced his commitment to “holding the discussion” and taking the proposal to the plenary, after having started the discussion last week.
“I will be forwarding the administrative reform to the CCJ tomorrow as the first step towards discussing this matter. I am committed to discussing it and taking it to the plenary,” Lira wrote on Twitter.
If approved, the administrative reform, sent in September 2020 by President Bolsonaro to Congress, foresees the end of privileges, restricts the perpetuation of positions, and establishes meritocracy criteria for civil servants to be promoted.
The proposal does not cover all positions and will only hire new employees.
The submission of the President's proposal by Lira to the CCJ will mark a new beginning in the Bolsonaro Government. An alignment between the Planalto and the Chamber, something that did not happen in the Rodrigo Maia era.