StartWithout categoryAliança Pelo Brasil is now accepting signatures. Sign now;

Aliança Pelo Brasil is now accepting signatures. Sign now;


With the aim of formalizing the creation of President Jair Bolsonaro's new party, “Aliança pelo Brasil”, the team responsible for its creation gave up on collecting, digitally, the almost 492 thousand necessary signatures, says the R7 Portal.
This Wednesday (18), Aliança pelo Brasil began calling on its supporters to disaffiliate from the PSL, and on Friday (20) go to the notary's offices to sign the list and have their signatures acknowledged.

The Electoral Court requires that, in order to contest the election, the party must be approved and registered with the TSE six months before election day, which is why the Party team hopes to obtain the signatures as soon as possible.
Image: Alliance for Brazil website
With the slogan “Free Yourself,” a campaign was launched for PSL members who support Jair Bolsonaro to disassociate themselves from the president’s former party, which will be under the control of Congressman Luciano Bivar. You can find out how to proceed on the Aliança pelo Brasil website.

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