StartWithout categoryAnitta becomes a joke on the web when she talks about the fires

Anitta becomes a joke on the web when she talks about the fires


Anitta became a hot topic on Twitter, but it wasn't because of a new hit or her relationship with Scooby, Luana Piovani's ex. This time, the reason was a video of the singer commenting on the fires in the Amazon. However, some of the artist's statements ended up becoming jokes on the social network.

– It doesn’t matter if the dollar goes down, it doesn’t matter if the economy is doing well, it doesn’t matter if there will be more jobs if no one has oxygen. Because without oxygen, the dollar will just be floating around and everyone will die. There’s no point in having an economy, in the city revolving around agriculture because, when the oxygen runs out, everyone will die – commented Anitta.

Many people compared the celebrity's speech to that of former president Dilma Rousseff, and as a result, the tag Anitta Rousseff appeared in the Trending Topics. Other celebrities also made mistakes when trying to talk about the situation of the Brazilian forest by using a photo taken by a photographer in 2003 as if it were about the fires that are happening.


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