StartWithout categoryAfter the PF unmasked Moro and the experts concluded that there was no...

After the Federal Police unmasked Moro and an expert concluded that there was no editing in the recordings, Celso de Melo returns to persecute Bolsonaro


Photo: Internet

Celso de Mello ordered Bolsonaro to give a statement to the Federal Police about the intervention. The video showing the intervention was shown, but there was nothing there. Temer and Dilma had more serious accusations and Celso did nothing. The persecution of Bolsonaro is clearer than ever.

Minister Celso de Mello, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), opted to archive the criminal complaint filed with the Court against former Minister of Justice and Public Security Sérgio Moro.

“In view of the reasons set out, and taking into account, in particular, the preliminary issue of the lack of original jurisdiction of the Supreme Federal Court, I do not acknowledge the present “notitia criminis”, and as a result, the examination of the request made by the person reporting this matter is prejudiced”, decided Celso de Mello.

Bolsonaro could be a great, good, average, bad or terrible president, depending on which side you are on. What he is certainly not is a dictator; there is no dictator in the world who has been elected with 58 million votes in democratic elections.

This is nothing more than a major persecution against the president, but as FHC said; “Bolsonaro is strong and firm”.

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