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After Bolsonaro shows who's boss and says he won't testify, the Supreme Court waives the testimony


Photo: Internet

Minister Marco Aurélio Mello, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), decided to postpone President Jair Bolsonaro's testimony to the Federal Police (PF) in the investigation into alleged interference in the corporation until the Court's plenary session judges the request from the Attorney General's Office (AGU).

Yesterday, Wednesday (16), the AGU appealed the decision of Minister Celso de Mello, who denied the Chief Executive the possibility of giving written testimony.

This Thursday (17), Marco Aurélio stated that he decided to 'freeze' the progress of the investigation in the Court to allow the analysis of Bolsonaro's appeal by the plenary, since he does not conceive of 'autophagy', that is, the possibility of judging alone a decision taken by a colleague, in this case, Celso de Mello.

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