StartWithout categoryAfter learning that Bolsonaro will appoint 5 ministers to the STF, the left...

After learning that Bolsonaro will appoint 5 ministers to the STF, the left begins to lose control


The excellent Judge, Marcelo Bretas is on the list of those who could be nominated for the STF. 
“He was an excellent judge, he is an excellent minister, he seems to enjoy the president’s trust, so he is an excellent choice,” said the Lava Jato judge in Rio. 
Bolsonaro may appoint 5 ministers to the STF with the Bengala PEC
The deputy of the PRP, Bia Kicis, proposed the repeal of the PEC OF THE CANE. In other words, Bolsonaro will indict 2 names, one in 2020 and another in 2021 and will have the chance to indicate 3 more names with the revocation of the PEC. 

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