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The schemes to remove Moro from Public Security without society noticing


Photo: 21Brasil 
Raul Jungmann, former minister of Michel Temer and member of the communist party, has been using social media to downplay the importance of Sérgio Moro in the fight against violence.

Raul's goal is to separate the Ministry of Justice from the Ministry of Public Security, so that he can be in charge of the latter.

The pressure to remove Moro from Public Security is great, especially among the corrupt, since he is the minister who heads the Federal Police and has great influence in the Lava Jato task force.

It remains to be seen whether Bolsonaro will give in to pressure from the corrupt.

“Former Public Security Minister Raul Jugmann tweeted on Saturday night, the 4th, highlighting his actions in Michel Temer’s government. Jugmann was mentioned by a Twitter user after criticism from Justice Minister Sérgio Moro of the previous administration. “Look there, @Raul_Jungmann. I didn’t know you were going by the name Merlin,” the follower teased.

On Saturday, Sérgio Moro stated that the reduction in crime in municipalities is directly related to the actions of the federal government and that he receives criticism “from the same people who were part of or advised previous governments when crime was only increasing.” “If they want to attribute the drop to the Magician Merlin, that’s fine. Criminals, without any elaborate dialogue, know why crime is falling,” he added.

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