StartWithout categoryActor Fábio Porchat compares serial killer from Brasilia to Bolsonaro

Actor Fábio Porchat compares serial killer from Brasilia to Bolsonaro


Actor and presenter Fábio Porchat, a staunch critic of President Jair Bolsonaro, published on his social media a comparison between the serial killer who is being sought in Brasília and President Jair Bolsonaro.

In a post on his Twitter profile, Porchat published an image of a WhatsApp conversation in which one person asks another if they have heard of the serial killer from the Federal District.

She, in turn, asks if he is talking about President Bolsonaro. In the caption, Porchat wrote: 'It's not wrong to ask, right?'

The actor is always embarrassed on social media and on national television, and he also often commits blasphemy, such as saying that “If Jesus came back, he would have come back gay and transvestite.”

It's not wrong to ask, right?

— Fabio Porchat (@FabioPorchat) June 16, 2021


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