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Augusto Nunes goes after the STF 'The Supreme Court is a disgrace for Brazilians with more than 10 brain cells'


As reported by Conexão Política, the other members of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) unanimously upheld the decision of Justice Alexandre de Moraes that culminated in the arrest of federal deputy Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ). At the beginning of the session, in the plenary, the president of the Supreme Court, Justice Luiz Fux, took the floor to state that “offending authorities, beyond the limits allowed by the freedom of expression that we so deeply enshrine, necessarily requires prompt action.”

Commenting on the Supreme Court's ruling, journalist Augusto Nunes summarized the parliamentarian's statements using words he considered more civilized. The statements were made during the program 'Os Pingos nos Is', on Jovem Pan radio, last Wednesday (17).
“I am ashamed of the current composition of the Supreme Federal Court. I feel contempt for the majority of its members and this unanimous approval of what Alexandre de Moraes did makes me suspicious that what I am saying extends to all the ministers. I feel repulsed to see a Supreme Federal Court acting like a party and with the intention of becoming a single party. I find the pose of demigods that the ministers adopt ridiculous, I find the dialects they speak ridiculous, the clothes they wear ridiculous and I think that the Supreme Court does not deserve the trust of decent Brazilians, as a result it is very difficult to respect it. I am saying, in short, what Congressman Daniel Silveira said in other words”, he declared.

And he added: “He should have expressed himself differently, so as not to give any chance to the Moraes family and his colleagues. But he cannot be arrested, although he should express himself in a civilized manner, saying what we say here: the Supreme Court is an embarrassment to Brazilians with more than 10 brain cells. There is no point in this talk that intends to confuse the Supreme Court with its members. I respect the institution and it is respectable to any democratic regime. I do not respect the members of the Supreme Court today.”
The commentator also stated that it is necessary to investigate “ministers who confuse themselves with dictators”. For Augusto Nunes, the plenary of the Supreme Court is considered a place that harbors danger to Brazilian democracy.

“If he [Daniel Silveira] overstepped the mark, if he did not behave with composure, if he acted in a way that deserves some punishment, it is up to Congress to decide, or the Chamber of Deputies, to be more specific. The Supreme Court cannot act like this. The same Supreme Court that is so hasty is the same one that looks on with the leniency of an accomplice at the case of the congresswoman who is accused of ordering the murder of her husband, the case of the congressman who is found with money in his underwear, and the case of so many corrupt individuals who are not convicted or tried either due to lack of time, or due to excessive evidence, or both,” he concluded.

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