StartWithout categoryBaby born 'pregnant' in very rare case; twin embryo was inside her...

Baby born 'pregnant' in rare case; twin embryo was inside her belly


In Israel, an entire team of health professionals was shocked by the birth of a baby carrying a dead fetus in its stomach. The case happened in Ashdod.

This is a very rare occurrence that occurs in one in every 500,000 cases. After the baby was born and the condition was discovered, the baby was operated on and the fetus was removed.

Dr. Omer Globus was responsible for the birth of the child. He said that as soon as the baby was born, they noticed that the child had a swollen belly, and that when examining him, they felt something inside his stomach. Therefore, an ultrasound and other tests were performed.
“We were surprised to discover that the swelling in this baby’s belly, which had already been identified in the ultrasounds before birth, was caused by the malformed embryo of the twin brother,” said the doctor.

The baby underwent recovery for a few days and was released after his condition improved.

Dr. Globus explained that this occurrence can occur in twins. At some point during pregnancy, one of the twins incorporates the other. The phenomenon also occurs in adults who have an ultrasound later in life and discover that they have a fetus in their stomach.

Another theory is that it is a benign tumor that involves several parts of the body. Few doctors witness the occurrence.

The baby is healthy and at home.

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