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Bolsonaro leaves politicians in panic “Waiting to be discharged from the hospital to veto the 5.7 billion fund, my hand is itching!”


Elected President of the Republic in a campaign that cost R$1.4T2 million, President Jair Bolsonaro is expected to veto the absurd amount of R$1.4T5.7 billion that Congress intends to extract from public coffers to finance their own and their allies' electoral campaign in 2022. At least this is the expectation of the Planalto's own ministers and advisors. The amount is almost triple the R$1.4T2 billion in public funds distributed to parties and candidates in the 2018 electoral campaign.


If the veto is overturned, which is likely, given the greed for public money in the campaign, the burden of the scam will fall exclusively on the parliamentarians.
The R$1.4 billion is absurd because campaigns are becoming increasingly cheaper, due to the preponderant role of social networks.

The campaign of the state deputy who holds the record for votes, Janaína Paschoal, in São Paulo, cost around R$1,450,000.
The Electoral Fund eliminated intermediaries (construction companies, etc.) and gave the political class nothing less than the key to the National Treasury.

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