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Bolsonaro shows who's boss and Celso de Mello leaves the STF after 31 years


Photo: Internet

Celso de Mello, the senior minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), will leave the Court this Tuesday, the 13th, after 31 years.

The farewell takes place three weeks before the scheduled date: November 1st.

At 74 years of age, Mello says that early retirement is related to health issues.

Appointed by President José Sarney (PMDB) to take Luiz Rafael Mayer's place at the STF, Celso de Mello was number two at the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, headed by Saulo Ramos.

It is now the president's turn to appoint a minister who is compatible with the position, because Brazil is tired of ministers without morals.

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