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Bolsonaro does not authorize federal sponsorship of Salvador Carnival for the second year and ACM Neto has a “fit”


Photo: Internet

Even during the pandemic, governors and mayors are demanding funds for the big partygoers of 2021.

During the years of Mayor ACM Neto's administration, Salvador's Carnival underwent a process of restructuring and expansion.

To achieve this, the city government needed sponsorship from private companies, but it had support from the Federal Government, through State-owned companies, in some years.

Política ao Vivo conducted a survey of the years in which the Salvador Carnival received support from the federal government. Under Bolsonaro's administration, not a single real was received. However, during the PT and Michel Temer governments, there was support.

In 2013, Neto's first year as mayor of Salvador, Petrobras contributed R$4.77 billion to the festival.

In 2014, Petrobras once again sponsored the Salvador Carnival. The amount was R$1,400,000.

In 2015, when the Brazilian oil company was at the center of a series of corruption scandals, the company did not sponsor the party.

In 2016, the year marked by the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff (PT), the city government did not receive any sponsorship from the Federal Government for yet another year. The same scenario was repeated in 2017.

In 2018, the last year of President Michel Temer, Caixa Econômica Federal sponsored the party, being the only Federal Government agency to collaborate with Salvador's Carnival.

Bolsonaro government

Last year, Jair Bolsonaro's first year as president, no company linked to the Federal Government sponsored the Salvador Carnival.

This was also the case with Carnival 2020. Caixa Econômica, which sponsored the event in 2018, did not sponsor it again in the first two years of the new government.

In 2021 it will be no different, the president did not authorize federal sponsorship of the Salvador Carnival.

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