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Bolsonaro repudiates totalitarian ideologies and fires Secretary of Culture for allusion to Nazism


Photo: Internet 
President Jair Bolsonaro confirmed in a statement this Friday (17) the dismissal of the Secretary of Culture, Roberto Alvim. The president repudiated the statement in which Alvim copies a Nazi speech and which generated outrage on social media, points out the portal R7.

In his speech, Alvim defends major state interference in Brazilian culture and uses phrases from Goebbels, one of the main figures in Nazism.

The Jewish community has generally been treated as an ally of President Bolsonaro since his campaign, and his rapprochement with the Israeli government is also relevant.

Official note from the President in full:

I hereby announce the dismissal of Roberto Alvim from the Government's Department of Culture. An unfortunate statement, even though he apologized, made his permanence unsustainable.

– I reiterate our repudiation of totalitarian and genocidal ideologies, such as Nazism and Communism, as well as any type of inference to them.

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