This is one of those stories that we come across on social media and are shocked. Not to mention that it quickly goes viral on all social networks, because it addresses something so unusual and that arouses curiosity.
A video circulating on social media has caused shock, as a corpse inside a coffin waves 'bye' through the glass before being buried.
This episode took place in the city of Manado, in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. According to information from Hugo Gloss, the burial took place on May 5. While the priest read a prayer, the body inside the coffin with a glass panel waves to the family.
And the wave goodbye given by the corpse happened during the funeral ceremony, the priest recites: “God said in the book of John, 'I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even though he were dead, he will live'”.
It is not known, nor has it been confirmed, whether the person being buried was alive. However, according to a study published in Medical News Today in 2019, the corpse may move or change position.
This happens because of the biochemical changes in muscles as the body decomposes. This video was one of the most viewed and shared on social media and everyone wonders if the person in the coffin was really dead.
Watch the video where the corpse appears waving: