StartWithout categoryCaiado bows out to Bolsonaro and reopens commerce in Goiás

Caiado bows out to Bolsonaro and reopens commerce in Goiás


Photo: Internet

Ronaldo Caiado (DEM), gave in to the forces of the crowds in the streets asking for the reopening of commerce and to President Jair Bolsonaro. Could it be that he did not reopen before, waiting for federal funds?

He saw that the state's situation was already bad with so much usurpation of public money, imagine now with the businesses closed. Today the traitorous governor opened part of the businesses in the state.

He will not admit the pressure and makes his statement saying that he changed his mind because there are beds available.

Politicians have to learn that they are only there to represent the people, but society is the one in charge. 

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