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CHEEK! – Dirceu says he wants PT in 2023 to “extend a hand” to Cuba


In a live broadcast at the end of May on YouTube, which gained repercussion throughout this week on social media, the former Chief of Staff, José Dirceu, said that he hopes for a victory for the Workers' Party (PT) in the 2022 presidential elections, so that from 2023 onwards the Brazilian government can once again “extend a hand” to Cuba.

– I believe that with our victory here in Brazil, I hope that from 2023 onwards we will be able to once again extend our hand to the Cuban people – he said.

The former minister of Lula's government made the speech during a broadcast on "Brazil-Cuba relations and the present day" broadcast on YouTube. The closeness between the governments of Brazil and Cuba during the PT administrations was well-known. The controversial BNDES loan for the works at the Port of Mariel, made from five agreements signed between 2009 and 2013, had a major impact.

Dirceu has been one of the main targets of Operation Lava Jato in recent years due to allegations of fraud. The former minister has already been convicted of corruption and money laundering in two cases of the operation. In February of this year, he was again targeted by the action when he was accused by the MPF of the crime of money laundering for allegedly receiving bribes from Engevix and UTC.

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