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Carvalhosa asks for public support to press impeachment requests against STF ministers


This Tuesday, in the office of the illustrious Senator Lasier Martins, Professor Janaina Paschoal and the MP Pró-Sociedade, in the company of the essential Vem pra Rua movement, were received by several parliamentarians of that legislative house, to whom they explained the well-founded reasons why they are calling for the impeachment of Dias Toffoli.

The infamous single-handed decision by the president of the Supreme Court to suspend investigations initiated based on the sharing of banking data provided by the Federal Revenue Service (COAF), the IRS and the Central Bank may be a first step towards nullifying the trials and even convictions of corrupt individuals and members of organized crime. But the voice of the streets is beginning to be heard.

HIGH SUPPORT – If last week there were 12, yesterday the number rose to 19 and, with each passing day, what is expected is that more and more senators will lead Davi Alcolumbre to shelve the 17 impeachment requests against the ministers who “guarantee impunity” in the STF.

Once and for all, politicians must accept what representative democracy means. Parliamentarians must be accountable to the people.

This is the exemplary conduct of the members of Change, Senate!, a group that should grow not only in number, but in prestige, and whose parliamentarians deserve the positions to which they were elected: Alessandro Vieira (Cidadania), Alvaro Dias (Podemos), Carlos Viana (PSD), Eduardo Girão (Podemos), Fabiano Contarato (Rede), Jorge Kajuru (Patriota), Lasier Martins (Podemos), Leila Barros (PSB), Lucas Barreto (PSD), Luis Carlos Heinze (PP), Major Olímpio (PSL), Marcos do Val (Podemos), Oriovisto Guimarães (Podemos), Plínio Valério (PSDB), José Reguffe (no party), Rodrigo Cunha (PSDB), Judge Selma (PSL), Soraya Thronicke (PSL) and Styvenson Valentim (Podemos).

Let's support this movement in favor of basic sanitation at the STF.

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