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Crimes against the honor of the President of the Republic happen every day and the STF does nothing


Crimes against the honor of the President of the Republic happen every day and nothing is done.

Given the case of Congressman Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ), we are left reflecting on what has been happening in Brazil, in a clear but ignored way.

We have been constantly reporting criminal attacks against the President of the Republic by journalists, members of Congress and influencers, with violent and deceitful speeches. It is also worth mentioning that the Chief Executive suffered an assassination attempt by a former member of the PSOL party, while he was campaigning for the presidency, on September 6, 2018.

Slander, defamation and threats are common crimes against Brazilian leaders, whether on social media, television channels or in speeches in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. However, what is striking is that there is clearly no action on the part of the authorities to prevent or punish those responsible.

Unlike this, after a video by parliamentarian Daniel Silveira, who made harsh criticisms against the ministers of the STF, an 'arrest warrant' was issued to detain the deputy, completely ignoring parliamentary immunity for any of his opinions, words and votes.

Unlike the Supreme Court justices, who are appointed to office by appointment, Jair Bolsonaro was elected by popular vote, significantly representing more than 57 million Brazilians. Even more questionable is the reason why the law is defending only one of the branches of government, in a majority manner and through decisions that are outside the legality of the Constitution.

If there are flaws in the decisions made by the ministers of the Supreme Federal Court, which is the highest instance of the Brazilian judiciary, who can we trust to apply the law fairly?

If the law is not valid for everyone, it is not valid for anything.

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