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DEM splits in half and Bahia bench supports Arthur Lira, Bolsonaro's candidate for Speaker of the Chamber


DEM is divided and the Bahia bench supports Arthur Lira, Bolsonaro's candidate for President of the Chamber of Deputies. 

Officially, the DEM supports Baleia Rossi, Rodrigo Maia's candidate for president of the Chamber.

The Bahian DEM bench declared its support for Congressman Arthur Lira (PPAL) in the race for the presidency of the Chamber. The group is linked to the former mayor of Salvador and national president of the party, ACM Neto.

There are similar movements in the PSDB and PDT in favor of the leader of the Centrão, who is supported by the Planalto Palace. Officially, the parties support Baleia Rossi (MDB-SP), candidate of Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), current president of the House.

DEM is divided and the Bahia bench supports Arthur Lira, Bolsonaro's candidate for President of the Chamber.

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