Without further ado, let’s get straight to the facts…
Dias Toffoli, president of the STF, yesterday (10) overturned the censorship imposed by judge Benedicto Abicair on the Porta dos Fundos Christmas Special: The First Temptation of Christ, broadcast by the streaming platform Netflix.
For those who don't remember, the film mentioned above portrays a GAY Jesus who is a fan of boy bands, Mary (Jesus' mother) is a pothead, Joseph (his father) is a cuckold and even God is portrayed as a pervert.
In other words, a real mess that violates article 208 of the Federal Constitution (crime of vilification of faith).
Art. 208 – To publicly mock someone, due to religious belief or function; to impede or disturb a ceremony or practice of religious worship; to publicly vilify an act or object of religious worship:
Therefore, it is characterized as disrespect towards the religion (faith) of others.
Responding to a request from Netflix itself, Dias Toffoli claimed that it is not up to the Brazilian State to impose political, ideological or artistic censorship, nor to define new rules or restrictions on freedom of expression.
Well then…
After Minister Toffoli's bizarre decision under the argument of “freedom of expression”, Congressman Bibo Nunes asked the following question:
“I want to know if a film is produced by the Porta dos Fundos production company, showing the President of the STF as gay and the other Ministers as cocaine addicts, if they will accept it as culture?
And if they want to stop Netflix from showing the film!
Make this movie!!!
And there???"
The foolishness of the president of the STF will inevitably have harsh repercussions.
It is necessary to restore order.
And now Toffoli?