StartWithout categoryDefeated, Manuela D'Ávila cries, Boulos promises to leave the country

Defeated, Manuela D'Ávila cries, Boulos promises to leave the country


Photo: Internet

It didn't work!

Despite the million-dollar campaign carried out by Manuela D'Ávila, the PCdoB candidate was unable to translate the 'big money' into enough votes to win the election. The defeat of Manu, a darling of the artists who love to celebrate, is a hard blow to the left.

They invested heavily to elect her.

There was nothing left to do but cry, that's right, crying is free. 

Fortunately, Porto Alegre is saved.

In São Paulo, with victory assured, Bruno Covas took off with more than 60% of the votes, over Guilherme Boulos. According to some sources close to Boulos, he promises to leave the country to rest and take a long vacation, but guarantees that he will not think about the election for a long time. – So be it.

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