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“Dias Toffoli is not part of the solutions that Brazil needs”, says author of the Lava Toga CPI


Davi Alcolumbre postponed until next week a conversation, initially scheduled for last Wednesday, with a group of senators uncomfortable with his management.

Senator Alessandro Vieira (Cidadania) will, for the umpteenth time, ask the President of the Senate why he did not schedule in the plenary, as he had promised, the installation of the Lava Toga CPI, already archived twice.

In conversation with The Antagonist, Vieira once again highlighted the need for investigation by the higher courts.

For the senator, the president of the STF, Dias Toffoli, “is using the political moment to assume a role that does not fit a magistrate who respects the minimum decorum that the position demands”.

“Dias Toffoli is not part of the solutions that Brazil needs. He is part of the problems that have plagued the country for decades.”

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