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Director of the Ministry of Health is booed at a national health conference in Brasília.


Doctor Allan Quadros Garcês was booed at the 16th National Health Conference that was held on the 3rd in Brasília. In the video we can identify some shouts calling him a baboon, others saying “OUT”, in addition to many boos coming from the audience.

Pará native Allan Garcês was confirmed as director of the Department of Interfederative Articulation of the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Health. He also works as a doctor in the state of Maranhão and was a candidate in the last three elections without success.

Members of right-wing WhatsApp groups in Maranhão, despite not agreeing with what happened, said that the doctor should have kept his speech to more technical subjects and with more responsibility, not to arouse the anger of some who were there, by saying something that is already obvious, about the arrest of former president Lula.


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