StartWithout categoryForgetting that she was elected in Bolsonaro's arms, Joice Hasselmann calls her children...

Forgetting that she was elected in Bolsonaro's arms, Joice Hasselmann calls the president's children “Virtual Militiamen”


Photo: Reproduction
Federal deputy Joice Hasselmann (PSL-SP) in testimony this Wednesday (4) at the CPMI (Joint Parliamentary Inquiry Commission) of Fake News accused Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) of being the main coordinator of a network of attacks and dissemination of rumors on social networks and messaging applications.

But the deputy let herself forget that she was always with the Bolsonaro family day and night, Eduardo Bolsonaro would wake up with her on the balcony.

Deputy, are you telling the truth or are you using your ingratitude to bargain or usurp the public machine? Considering that you did not get what you wanted because the format in which you deliver words to the Bolsonaro group characterizes hatred.
The deputy was given the nickname “3 Reis Note” on the internet!


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