StartWithout categoryFHC defends and classifies Rodrigo Maia as a "revelation" of Brazilian politics

FHC defends and classifies Rodrigo Maia as a “revelation” of Brazilian politics


Photo: Internet

Fernando Henrique, takes another 'trip in the mayonnaise'. He seems to be in a very critical state of lucidity.

The former president made harsh criticisms of President Donald Trump and once again attacked the Brazilian president's children. FHC, it's high time you kept quiet!

So far so good, but classifying Maia as a revelation in Brazilian politics is the biggest aberration that people could have ever said in their entire lives.

“Maia is expressing the feelings of Congress, he is being the symbol of the Chamber of Deputies. He takes a stand when he thinks it is necessary and speaks for Congress. I think it is important, Rodrigo is a pillar,” said FHC.

Grandpa came out of hiding to talk nonsense once again! 


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