StartWithout categoryGeneral Mourão: “Shame on the STF… lack of public spirit, moral cowardice...

General Mourão: “Shame on the STF… lack of public spirit, moral cowardice and falsehood”


“The Brazilian Supreme Court has the hypocritical face of the Fabian/Bolivarian left that conceived it in an incestuous relationship with the corrupt, of all colors, sheltered in the Federal Senate.”

Then it was the turn of retired General Luiz Eduardo Rocha Paiva to say that the STF is afraid of Lula:

First was Brigadier General Paulo Chagas, who declared:

“The Brazilian Supreme Court has the hypocritical face of the Fabian/Bolivarian left that conceived it in an incestuous relationship with the corrupt, of all colors, sheltered in the Federal Senate.”

Then it was the turn of retired General Luiz Eduardo Rocha Paiva to say that the STF is afraid of Lula:

*** words spoken in 2018 ***


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