Gilmar Mendes' entire narrative against Lava Jato is based solely on Intercept Brasil, the website that published messages stolen from Sergio Moro, and only now will we know who sent or paid for the product resulting from a crime. -The plea bargain is coming.
But let's see: magazine cover by magazine cover, many other publications brought explosive revelations, including about Dias Toffoli, who would be the “friend of my father's friend”.
So why believe one site and not another? What is the guideline used by the excellent Gilmar Mendes?
It has already been discovered by the Federal Police that one of the hackers simulated conversations in deactivated Telegram accounts.
And now Gilmar?
Voices in the corridors of the Supreme Court say that the president is scared by Luiz Henrique Molição's plea bargain. Gilmar has been one of the defenders of the stolen messages.
With: Jornal21Brasil