StartWithout categoryCOUP: Senator announces PEC for the reelection of Alcolumbre and Maia

COUP: Senator announces PEC for the reelection of Alcolumbre and Maia


Photo: Internet
PEC consolidates an arrangement made months ago by the President of the Senate to remain in office for another two years.

Senator Rose de Freitas (Podemos) announced the presentation of a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) to allow the re-election of Davi Alcolumbre (DEM) as president of the House.

The text also gives approval for the reappointment of the Speaker of the Chamber, Rodrigo Maia (DEM).

The announcement of the PEC was made by the parliamentarian, who is an ally of Alcolumbre, during a remote session of the Senate this Wednesday (2), highlights the Terra portal.

Rose de Freitas even apologized to Alcolumbre for not having voted for him in the election for president of the House in 2019.

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