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Guedes confirms extension of emergency aid for another 3 months


Economy Minister Paulo Guedes confirmed the extension of emergency aid for another three months. Now, the payment schedule that was previously scheduled to end in July will be finalized in October..

However, the exact amount of extra installments still needs to be approved by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, in partnership with the Minister of Citizenship, João Roma. Together, they will make the decision according to the database of the competent department.

Information from the Ministry of Health on the pace of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Brazil will also be considered. This was one of the arguments presented when mentioning the possibility of extending emergency aid.

The more Brazilians are immunized against the disease, the greater the chances of a safe return to the job market. Consequently, the country's economic scenario will gradually improve.

When analyzing the vaccination pace of some federative units that have been ahead in the vaccination scheme, the Federal Government expects that, if the entire adult population has been immunized by the end of September, it will be necessary to extend emergency aid for just two more months.

On the other hand, if the vaccination of Brazilians aged 18 and over is completed only at the end of October, this would imply an extension of three more months. Overall, this is the general estimate presented last week.

Once the 2021 emergency aid is actually completed, the Federal Government will be able to launch the new Bolsa Família. This is also one of the reasons why the extension of the emergency aid was studied, given that the text reformulating the new income transfer program has not yet been completed.

The extra installments of the benefit will be able to support the Brazilian population in a situation of social vulnerability amid a possible third wave of Covid-19 in Brazilian territory.

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